every picture has a story...

15 January 2009

Warm Heart(h)s

Warm Heart(h)s

I took this on a trek (hike?) I took recently amidst the Sahyadris. I liked the way the image came showing a few things and hiding some more (notice the wizened face?). Dinner was cooked over an open hearth and later the fire was used to keep ourselves warm a little longer. To spend one night away from the crowds also gave us a chance to gaze up at the winter sky which was lit up with a million stars. I guess one collateral that tags alongwith life in a metropolitan city is never getting to enjoy simple wonders such as these. Reminded me of childhood when the bunch of us kids was used to sleeping on the terrace in summer nights, counting stars from the unpolluted sky and fall asleep...


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

yes i noticed the wizened face (and the hike?) .......and the warming hands are precious too.........beautiful post......loved it.......you post softly and quietly here while i can't stop gabbing on my blog :DDD

Kunal said...

oh i envy you, i do...for having the drive to carry your camera around and capture the opportunities that present themselves...i am lazy, ive been thinking of keeping a single blog for all photos / posts (rants)...:(

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i guess it happens in spurts, Kunal.....there are times when you can't get enough of the world around you and the camera is your best (umm, "second-best" actually) companion in times like those......and then there are times when you just have to shut the door on the world.....

take care..hope to see more of you and yours here and around :)


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