every picture has a story...

25 April 2008

Night n Day

Bangkok Skyline

Bangkok Skyline

It is a weird feeling, to stand on a 16th floor plush carpeted hotel room, looking out to the hundreds of activity centers, trying to imagine the number of people who are out there, making a living, sleeping, lazing around, taking a brisk walk to the local metro, shopping or just existing. The sumtotal of that activity consumes so much of energy and emanates so much of sound and light, but strangely in that air-conditioned room, a floor to ceiling glass pane blocks all that out and all you hear is a steady hum, as if all of it were a machine that was functioning silently, its motor whirring and at the controls sits the supreme being. And in that silence, you realize how small a drop you are, and how large is the ocean...


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

we are so small in the grand scheme of things, arent we!!!!

Kunal said...

very much so...whats our place...


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