every picture has a story...

18 January 2008

Catch of the Day!

Catch of the Day!

I took this on the Anjuna Beach. From the point where one can access the beach at its Northern tip till the Southernmost tip, the Beach is a long 2 km or more walk. Apart from the convenience to sunbathing firangs, the corner is also a place for fishing boats to offload their catch. It was fascinating to watch these guys disentangle fishes from the net and dump them into blue plastic cartons kept besides the boat. It is not an easy task given the slippery feel the fish have. Besides the boat, there was this Brit kid playing with the dead fishes, picking them up from the sand where they had been carelessly thrown and dropping them into the carton. His idea of fun, innocuously was to try and twist the fish and try to break it, poking their eyes with his thumb and I couldnt help but feel wonder at his fearlessness and comfort with another organism. I tried talking to him. At that instant, this older guy came along and mentioned that he likes fish very much and in an attempt to prove it, he flicked open his pocket knife and poked out the eye of one of the fishes and gulped it down.

Warning: Could be gross for vegetarians and animal lovers!!


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

ouch!!!! it's gross for a sea food lover too!!!

Kunal said...

it is it is...dont tell me you're one yourself? a convert post marriage? :P

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

I am..not post marriage really....but have been one since i tasted bengali fish curries ....:)

monsoon dreams said...

beautiful snaps!this one is my favourite.


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